Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Summer O Summer

 It is finally summer and I have no clue where the time is gone. School for KOKO starts in a few more weeks. Wow, and I feel like I was just waiting for summer to start and pretty soon it is going to be fall.  NONO and KOKO are enjoying the parks, splash pads and zoos and eating out once in a while. I have not been socializing as much as I used to and want to over to time and energy restraints. 

For father's day Koko made french toast and chocolate chip muffins for her PAPA. She had made a greeting card in school which was of course given to Papa well before father's day. But she also made a spider man card for her dad as he is a boy and would LOVE that. She got him shorts as she wanted him to play good cricket in them. For lunch we made poori, bhaji and Aamras ( Koko's fav) and evening we went to granite city for dinner... was a good day and she was excited about it it being father's day. 

In May for mothers day I was served a nice omlette and toast breakfast with my fav drink - ginger tea. Later that day we had a nice picnic in shoaff park. Koko packed the picnic baskets with snacks, drinks and napkins .. she was super excited and proud of her own work.At the park we played ball and walked and she finally got to eat a popsicle from the SUMMER SONG VAN. I got an amazing picture frame thats says " Like mother like daughter" simply loved it :) 

Not sure if I am as adjusting and accommodating to people as much as I was a year before, people change and we change too. Time changes so many things, when you stay in a place for a long time and then get used to a certain kind of people and attitudes, its hard to suddenly see the changes in the same place and surroundings. I guess that's what my elders meant about changing with times. YES I have changed a few things which I had  vowed I would change for no one, have also changed... like my never say die attitude and also trying to look for the best in people instead of focusing on their worst. These days I find that doing anything for the others is a pain for some, which was not the case a few years ago. I am getting affected a lot by this. Some people have stopped talking to one another suddenly for no apparent reason at all. Some people are no longer interested in any group events so much that no one wants to even respond to emails. I find that very condescending... when someone sends an email and requests you to respond... I think morally one should... but then that's my take on this ... I am sure the non-responder's have their own opinion and reasons for the same. The thing that has upset me the most is that no one wants to respond to emails and tell you the opinions but they sure do want to give you suggestions and their preferences when they meet you in person esp at public places. Its another issue if they talk to you personally about some thing but not reacting at all is just plain WRONG. 
These days I am sensing a lot of negative energy around me and people. Not that I am a positive person always ... but I have tried my best to not let my low moods rub on others ( except Shottu, Koko and Nono) who bear the brunt of the same). 

Now about Koko and Nono. These two gals are a bundle of joy, energy and of course work. Nono wants to do everything Koko does. Koko is into the imagination phase where she will play pretend, some days she is word girl some days she is a dog or a cat, a teacher a rock and roll singer and of course most the time she is into Kratt brothers ( Wild Kratts). This girl knows everything they show about Animals, their difficult to pronounce names. She wants to have picnics everywhere, at home , in the park. She loves to have candlelight dinners and dance party's at home with all four of us. I can see that her memory is improving day by day.She loves Nono... I do see that she does feel a little less pampered as she always tells me that she would love to become a baby again. I feel so bad when she says that ... I have and continue to give time and pampering equally for both of them... but as we all know when we go out the babies get all the attention... I am sure she has gotten used to it. Koko used to be shy of people but now she talks and I can see the confidence in her. She still continues to cry when she cannot do something or fails at the first attempt... but I am sure she will get better with that issue as well. She plays with Nono , helps me around the house and with her.. like she will help dress Nono , put on her shoes, get my shoes out etc. I cannot believe she is only 4.5 yrs old. She is very sensitive and emotional. I am very very attached to her and she is like my lifeline. Nono is getting to be there as well. She is 3.5 years behind that's all.  Koko and Nono both love Aamras, banana and Strawberries. Koko is classy she likes good things and appreciates them too.. the eating habits aren't classy as she has gone on me... slurps and licks her hand.. shottu hates that and will always complain to me about this .. saying it is me who has taught her all that... well whats eating good food without slurping, especially saaru anna and masaru anna...ahahaha slurp. Nono is very expressive makes the best expressions.. right now she is saying cheetah--- thanks to Koko teaching her.. it has been a while since she says eveee - give and aaahoo - thank you . She says baybeee - the doll her fav, papa and mama and every time Koko comes and tell me something she will also follow and speak something in baby ling. She loves to walk with both her hands behind on her back, loves to walk. Loves to take Koko's bestest(Koko's Vocabulary) friends toys esp Shovel and bucket and loves to lift peoples shirts / dresses and tickle them on the belly button and say tackle tackle - tickle tickle. Hates the swing in the park as it confines her... eats on her own with a fork with a little help, drinks water in a glass and drinks milk in her chair. She LOVES to dance. Koko loves to sing and can remember songs with lyrics from days ago. If you ask koko what she wants to play she right now says Basket ball. She HAS A LOT OF Qs for me and shottu. Koko loves to dress up from head to toe in summer and in bare minimum in winter and this has been the case since she was 2. Not sure where the not gate is .. but she does that... wants to wear jeans and corduroy in summer and shorts and swim wear in winter. Koko says I am bestest Cooker and she is the goodest in doing things.
Koko told me a joke the other day, all four of us had gone out to eat icecream and it was about to rain ( thunder and lightning). "Mama, what do we wear when it rains... thunderwear". I was so proud.. my humor genes were finally getting active in her:). Also one day I asked her sternly.. Koko why did'nt you say please, where are your manners.. she replied innocently.. "They went away".

When she was 2 years old I was trying to tell her the Moon is very high in the sky and after I said that she just looked towards the moon and said Hiee...
Another one I remembered is that I was telling her Koko now you are 2 years old.. so she looked and me and showed me her ears... LOL.. man have had many such situations but my memory continues to fail me time and again. 
Want to spend as much time as I can with my family. I am tired and some days frustrated with my own personal growth.. but over all happy about where I am today and love love love my kids and hubba dub dub. 

Need to incorporate more salads in the diet. 

PS - finally parents came on skype... felt very happy and loved :).

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Family and Friends

Man is a social animal... if there is anyone who can define this sentence it is ME. I love people and am intrigued by them all the time. Not sure how it is possible but we humans are so different. Each one of us has one's own definition. It is amazing.
I love to meet new people and make new friends / aquaintances.

Regarding my friendship history not sure what I should say. There are people who love me and people who hate me (a certain GEY comes to mind very much).
I am not sure if I have been a good friend to people or not but I sure know that if not always atleast most of the times I have been. There have been some people who have not had a pleasant friendship me and some I know will always cherish their friendship with me.
Is trying to mend ways with people who used to be your friends and are now just aquantainces a good beating on ones self respect. I usually have a rule of 3, where in I try to talk to people and ask them what and If I did anything wrong three times and then I feel they arent interested in my friendship and that they were really never meant to be. Then during those times the question that pops into my mind is , is it even worthwhile to make friends when you know that you could get hurt. Instead make time for our loved ones and take steps to grow as a person. I sometimes feel that I have sidetracked from my life's goals as I am always planning things and doing things around other people. And now during this sadesati period I am doing a little introspection into my ways of life and am thinking I need to make a few changes if possible. So I will keep myself posted via this blog on how I fare with the changes I make and please pray I DO make them.  Being happy and making changes is such a hard thing. KOKesh and NOnesh are wanting me to play with them.. it is beautiful outside but very WINDY. On a side note ... we had a good time in the balcony today. We played hopscotch and K and N had a good time.. N was excited and happy to see her sister hop along :) And N's version of hop-ing was just moving her bum UP and down. JUst last year K was upset she couldnt do hopscotch but today she is doing it.. she is growing faster than I can imagine... muah to both  my angels :):) They truly are and now with them I spend the evening :):) tata.

Thoughts ! Thoughts and More Thoughts

Let me start of with Happy notes.... it is an amazing feeling to see Koko and Nono play with each other... they make me smile and are truly my joy and pride. 

Koko has her own personality and sometimes I see so much of me in her it is scary :). She is writing numbers, alphabets for a while now. She can add and subtract a little. She is very good with 3 and 4 letter words. 
She loves to watch Kratt brothers, that is her current favorite.. we have gone from singing happy birthday a zillion times to singing humpty dumpty, johnny johnny and sing a song of six pense, oh my friend ganesha ( 1 & 2) , koi mil gaya songs, 3 idiots songs and now golmaal and sheila ki jawani. She loves music and im hoping she can learn an instrument. She loves to jump and run. She is always climbing on things and running all over. She loves water and is waiting for summer eagerly so that she can go to the pool. She loves to sing and she can handle pitches and changes in the song tunes amazingly well. 

Nono has her own personality and have yet to figure what she is going to be like. Considering her screaming .. this kid has a LOUD voice and is very adamant. Right now she says, PAPA, AAYAA.. hi Didi.She loves music and can dance very cutely. The first time she demonstrated her dancing skills was in Ming's place on Munni Badnam and we have encouraged her ever since. She loves music.. as in she wont sing but will move naturally and is the cutest dancer ever. SO I guess I have a dancing and a singing sensation at home. 

I am having a tough time these days, my emotions run up and down like crazy. I do not want to say Im depressed but Im kinda feeling a litte low and I am kinda blaming it on my sadesati and the weather. Have had a tough few years I think in this town with the winter of 9 months and sun shine for 3 months. So have to make the most of the sun. I am hoping Ican get back to work in a year or two and am wondering and still contemplating on what I want to do in the future. If I want to study or just get a job ( whatever I can get).

Life is so strange,,, but I know one thing I want to be remembered as a person who made people smile/ laugh.  

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Hi all, I am a new blogger, I have been wanting to write for a while and not sure what has been holding me back. Not sure how I want to categorize my blog as , it is a majorly going to be a blog about my ideas, thoughts and everyday experiences & issues. 

Life has been good to me so far, I have had my tough times since childhood, but I have always been able to be positive and come out of many a situations. But I think I made the best decision when I decided to marry my husband Shottu :):) I am really really blessed.

We just celebrated Nono's ( my 2nd angel) 1st birthday last week. I cannot believe she is a year old already. I still remember being a mom for the 1st time in 2006 with Koko.I had a hard pregnancy, I was working and was stressed. And I was not going to have any help. I strongly believe though that god was testing me at that time and I did well through it. I have changed a lot in the past 8 years, but I have changed the most since I have become a mother. Koko has been the most amazing baby and child one could ever ask for and I pray that she stays that way, her heart if made of gold. She is very very kind and am hoping she cant take care of herself in this world. My job I feel is to make her strong and give her strong values for life. Koko has to be taught and she remembers things amazingly  well. I guess she gets her grasping powers from me ( tadaaaaaa ) . My mom says my observations and grasping powers are amazing :):) I am spontaneous as well and Im hoping my daughters get my sense of humor as well. OK enuff of my tomtoming. But muah to both my daughters. 

Today I met my gunda friends and Serene's parents are here for the delivery for her first child and she is having a daughter too. She and her hubby are very happy and I feel any family that is having a new addition is blessed irrespective of the gender ( that is a topic for another day). We has amazing food. Also another gunda Famous who is also expecting is having a girl tooo :):) Wow my daughters are going to have such nice friends. I hope we all gundies can stay connected till the end. Lets see how things shape up. 

Shottu took both the gals to the park today and asked me to go shopping. It was very sweet of him.... muaahhhh.